Uploading Reviews via CSV
If you're collecting product reviews using a platform that is not supported by POP!, you can manually upload them using a CSV file.
The template contains 6 different columns, as shown here:
The first column is the product ID - this can be obtained by going to your Shopify Admin, opening the product, and locating the number at the end of the URL handle.
Please refer to the image below:
The second column is the content of the review - this is where you copy and paste the review written by your customers.
Then you will find the rating column - simply add the number that corresponds to the rating that the customer added for that specific product. Consider it should be 1 for the lowest review possible and 5 for the highest rating.
Ratings are followed by the name column - this is where you can add the name of the customer. It is up to you if you choose to add the full name or the name and the first initial of their last name.
Next up, is the created at column, please note that the correct format of this field should be DD/MM/YYYY.
The last column is location. Location should include at least one of the following combinations: City + Country, City + Country Code, Province + Country, Province + Country Code, Province Code + Country, Province Code + Country Code.
Some examples: Houston, United States or São Paulo, BR.
Upload Reviews
From your POP! dashboard, go to Rules & Settings > Product Reviews > Edit Rules & Design. Scroll down to find the section named "Import Reviews" and the Upload button.
This will open an external window to upload the CSV file that you modified previously. If there are any errors, they will be marked in red.
You can modify the incorrect fields on that same page.
If the upload was successful, you can close the external page and go back to the POP! dashboard.
Allow a few minutes for this information to be processed in the backend.
If you don't see the reviews after a few minutes, reach out to our Support Team 😄
We can only show the 25 most recent events. If you uploaded reviews and the date of creation is older than the existing pops, the reviews will not be shown.